Thank You Key Workers
Keyworkers are often the backbone of society, helping the sick and infirm, keeping our streets safe or putting out fires. In current times, through a pandemic which no one ever expected to experience it is the key workers that society have depended on and what utterly fantastic people those key workers are;
What a demand the pandemic put on the NHS, you see the pictures and hear the stories of the Doctors and Nurses battling to save the lives of our loved ones, giving comfort to those who we lost, working the hours we never asked them to in the uncomfortable surroundings covered with PPE, we say THANK YOU
The Police
When businesses were locked down, tempers were fraught you kept our livelihoods safe and kept your cool when dealing with the lockdown and differences of opinions. We say THANK YOU.
Whilst on lockdown parents still had to work, the teachers had to teach in ways they weren't used to, trying to keep the kids occupied and giving an education whilst the parents could work all the while most had kids themselves to look after.
The Others
It wasn't just the people dealing with the pandemic directly. It was others that don't immediately spring to mind. The delivery drivers taking food to the elderly and infirm, the shop workers keeping food on the shelves. The people who created PPE for the NHS and other key workers, there are so many others to list and name too. We say THANK YOU.
Throughout this testing pandemic so many key workers played their part and it showed how much society relied upon them, but what we also realise is that yes, their role was highlighted during the pandemic but they actually do this outstanding job day in day out, regardless. To that we want to say thank you for being the backbone of our society. For our part we would like to offer these people 20% off of our collections with no expiry date! To get the coupon email in with the details of your employment and relevant ID card, i.e NHS card and we shall tell you the coupon code to type in at the checkout.
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